A web application to add, edit, delete, like or dislike products (here sauces)
You will need to have Node and npm
installed locally on your machine
git clone https://github.com/ferdinand-dev/DW-OC-P6-Piquante.git
npm install
Create a .env file and fill it out using the .env.example file as an example
Launch back-end on port 3000 (default port):
node server
or nodemon server
by typing npm start
with default port 3000
If the server runs on another port for any reason, this is printed to the console when the server starts, e.g. Listening on port 3001
npm install
ng serve
by typing npm start
_ Backend _
_ Frontend _
Reservia (HTML and CSS) : github-pages
Ohmyfood (HTML and CSS) : github-pages
La Chouette Agence (SEO, Accessibility) : github-pages
Kanap an e-commerce website (front-end in Javascript) : vercel-app
Piquante a sauce rating web application (back-end with Node, Express and MongoDB) : follow instructions in ReadMe
Kasa an appartment rental web application (front-end in React using React Router and React Components and back-end using extracts of JSON) : vercel-app